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Flight 23 member and homebuilt enthusiast Jason Ready has an interesting web site.
Please click on the link to explore "Jason builds a plane"
Hi Tom I've been able to find time to get the following stuff built. Finished off my support strut and got rid of the landing gear. Landing gear was 110 lbs and the new strut is only 55 lbs. Happy with that because the weight comes off ahead of the C of G being a tail dragger. I made the exhaust headers and mounted the twin turbos. I fabricated the exhaust pipes to look a bit like the PT6 just to keep people's head scratching ;-) . I took the truck apart that I bought for the engine and also grabbed the complete wiring harness, computer and frame from it. The truck frame will be used as a float lift to bring the plane in. Talk about recycling eh!
The engine had about 3500 hrs on it and everything in the engine was exactly at new specifications. Even the piston ring gap on the old rings were identical to the new specs. It puts my mind at ease knowing that it is now completely rebuilt. With this engine it will be so easy to do a bearing check or compression check in frame.
Can't wait to go through a wheel barrel load of wiring to build the harness I need for the plane.
Cheers Henri

Turbo Pipes below (upside down)

Turbo Pipes below right side up
My bad. When you send pictures to the webmaster, make sure he knows what you know LOL.

Working on making my front support to replace the 102 lb aluminum landing gear. I weighed the plane with the diesel engine but without the floats and it comes in at 2150 lbs. There is still lots of stuff yet to go in it.
Hello Tom just to give you an update on the plane. I have the cowling stretched out. Still have final adjustments to make. Working on the vertical fins. I have to make them removable because it is a tail dragger when it goes on wheels and skis. Work (My real job that pays for all of this) is starting to get in my way now so progress may slow down some .Hope all is well with you. Henri

The wind screen now glassed in . Working on stretching the cowling.
As far as the engine goes it is a 6.6 L Isuzu diesel that is used in GMC trucks known as the Duramax . I had originally converted it to be a completely mechanical diesel. I wanted it to be reliable and I know the mechanical diesels are very reliable. But now I have found a control system that I can adjust all parameters of the engine, plus the fact that I can make it redundant. One of the great things that can be accomplished with electronics that can't be done with a mechanical diesel is to control the power pulses . High compression makes big power pulses that can be detrimental to a propeller. One of the great things about a diesel is the high compression, around 16 to one . And everyone that is looking for more torque in a gas engine knows to increase the compression. Now when you add a turbo or two to it you really wake it up. Approximately every 15 lbs of boost doubles the cubic inch of the engine.
I am going to dyno the engine to 550 hp 1000 ft lbs of torque at 3000 rpm before the psru. The engine is capable of a lot more. I have made high flowing aluminum intake manifolds . Once I get the wings and floats mounted I want to do a weight and balance to get an idea where I'm at. Then I will get back on making exhausts headers to mount the twin turbos and the cooling system.
Henri Boudreau.
I drove out to Corbeil the other day and had a nice visit with Henri Boudreau. Henri is building a Compair 7 SLX and it is at a point whereby the wings are finished and he is fitting them to the fuselage. He will be mounting a Diesel engine, fitted with electronic controls that allows him to control all parameters of the engine. He can add a second control module for a redundant system. The aircraft will be fitted with a four blade propeller and amphibious floats. The huge gear legs shown in the picture will be removed and he will custom build the frame for the floats. Like all members of the Comp Air family, no two of these airplanes are alike. Each is custom-built by the owner. Due to lack of knowledge on my part, I am unable to list the specs for the airplane. I will be in touch with Henri again at a later date and hopefully will be able to fill in the blanks, such as gross weight, wing span and passenger capacity. This is a very impressive airplane.

It is suggested that anyone planning to construct an aircraft should submit a “letter of Intent” to the MDRA for the following reasons:
- It helps to determine the number and location of inspectors required;
- It creates a paper trail of the project, very useful if the project has to be disposed of prior to completion;
- It is mandatory under the regulations.
It should also be noted that an Advanced Ultra Light Aircraft (AULA) must be built either as a kit or purchased already built by the factory. If considering a plans-built aircraft that would normally be an AULA, it must be built under the “Amateur Built” regulations. For more info, “The COPA Guide to Amateur Built” is an excellent reference, available on the COPA website or as a printed handbook.
An oversight in CAR’s has been corrected; it is now legal for owners to sign out abnormal occurrence repairs to homebuilts and owner maintained aircraft.
Denis Louiseize is now the new MDRA Inspector for North Bay and area.
Click on the links below to visit our Homebuilder's Photo Gallery.
See the latest info on the wing problem on The Zenith 601 and 650
series a/c at http://www.zenithair.com/news/ntsb-astm-4-09a.html